Art for Enthum
Join us in supporting Enthum Foundation with the chance to win the valuable print “Angel of Refuge”
Enthum House (EH) provides a safe and welcoming home for children on the move who are seeking asylum in the UK. They have survived dangerous, lonely journeys from war-torn countries, abuse at the hand of traffickers and the loss of their families. All are in need of trauma-focussed support whilst settling into a country and culture completely unknown to them.
Enthum House’s specialist staff team offers 24/7 support to seven young people at a time, building on their inherent resilience through cross-cultural integration programmes, empowering them to make positive contributions to UK society.
The project collaborates with local authorities, statutory services and partnership organisations, ensuring each young person receives the best person-centred support and advocacy as possible, whilst moving towards independent living.
You can read two stories of how Enthum House has helped to transform young people’s lives here.
In recent months huge numbers of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children have again arrived on the shores of Southern England. Enthum House is currently looking to develop, and expand and increase its outreach to be able to help more of these young people in need.
“We are very grateful for your generous donation and contribution which supports some of the most vulnerable young people in our country.”
Twelve Angels
Earlier this year, SDIA showcased Enthum House in our eNews. On reading this issue , US artist Robert Mertens was inspired to initiate a fundraiser for the project. He has decided to raffle prints of one of his paintings – Angel of Refuge – pictured here.
Here, in Robert’s own words, is the story of the painting …
I am an artist and my mother was an artist. When my mother was young, she won a national prize for a beautiful watercolor called ‘Choir of Angels’. Choir of Angels was the only one of her pictures that she had in her room during her final years. I visited her in Virginia just before she died and saw the picture again. When I returned to my home to California, I thought, “I’m going to make a choir of 12 angels, one for each month in the coming year. I will do it to honor my mother.” So I did.
Last February, I saw the newsletter about Enthum House, and it caught my attention. I was very moved by the safety, hope, and opportunity Enthum House is giving to these young people in desperate need. I could have sent some money but something possibly better came to me. “I am an artist. I can help Enthum house more with my art than with my money.” I realised I could leverage donations to Enthum with a crowd-sourced fund drive and give some of my fine art prints for people who donate above certain amounts as perks
I then remembered ‘Go Fund Me’, a not-for-profit crowd-sourcing platform with fund drives for people and projects in need. I have donated to a couple of these drives at Go Fund Me myself, and see that it could work for Enthum.
I chose ‘Angel of Refuge’ as the most fitting picture to help Enthum House grow and prosper.
The picture shows the world, safe and at peace in the embrace of God. The angel is swooping down and sheltering us in its heart. It offers our world up to God with a prayer of Love and Gratitude.
Now it is your turn to help us raise $20,000 for Enthum Foundation!
- Go to our Donate Now button below.
- Buy your tickets
- For each donation of $50 or more, your name will be entered once into our Art for Enthum Raffle.
- For a $100 dollar donation, you will get 3 entries.
- For a $500 donation, you will get 20 entries.
The more tickets you get, the higher your chances to win this valuable prize!
3. We will mail you your prize.
- First prize: Large print measuring 24″x32″ / 68.5 x 91.5cm
- 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th prizes: Small prints, each measuring 11″ x 14 2/3″ / 28 x 37.25cm cm.
Don’t miss out on this chance to support Enthum Foundation and the asylum-seeking children and youth who are protected by its care and services!