SDIA works in partnership with people around the world to provide individuals, families and communities in need with the tools and support needed to improve their lives.
We harness the resources of a global network to support grassroots initiatives in the area of health, education and sustainable livelihoods.
This short film highlights the impact of the “Hijas de la Paz” project, which is rooted in Human-Centered education pedagogy and focuses on three key pillars: human well-being, peace creation, and entrepreneurial livelihoods.
It showcases how this initiative has empowered 40 young women to envision a brighter future, helping them heal from their traumatic experiences and fostering pathways to a more peaceful life.


Susila Dharma works to reduce the rates of preventable and treatable illness, infections and mortality in vulnerable communities. It builds and operates health centers, provides training and support to health practitioners, and care for the elderly. We also provide communities with access to clean drinking water and improve sanitation.


Susila Dharma provides access to quality formal, informal and vocational education for 1000’s of children, youth, women and men every year. It provides scholarships, helps improve school infrastructure and builds the capacity of teachers, trainers and institutions. We help children get a good start in life leading to greater success in all they want to achieve.


Susila Dharma works to help communities develop the language, technical and management skills to feed their families, develop their enterprises and gain employment while living in harmony with the natural world. We provide the tools and equipment necessary for these enterprises to thrive.



Susila Dharma works with the poorest communities, which are the most vulnerable to climate change and environmental destruction. Changing practices and finding alternative ways of growing food, ensuring access to safe water and protecting the environment leads to good stewardship of our planet.

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