Leave a Bequest

Leaving a gift in your will to SDIA can be a powerful expression of your values and principles and enables you to leave a lasting legacy. A bequest of any size can have a significant impact on the long-term sustainability of the Susila Dharma Network and its influence in the world. A bequest can take a few different forms, such as a percentage of your estate, the remainder of your estate after the payment of specific amounts to others, a stated dollar amount or assets like real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, term deposits, and insurance. If leaving a legacy to Susila Dharma is of interest to you, we recommend that you prepare a will, which allows you to control the distribution of your property. 
Tax laws relate to wills and bequests are unique to each country, so we advise you to speak to your accountant about what is best for you. We will acknowledge your donation and send you our newsletter to keep you in touch with the members of the SD Network. SDIA provides charitable tax receipts to US donors. Some SD national organizations also provide tax receipts for donations for their country.

SDIA Endowment Fund

SDIA uses its Endowment Fund to support the mission of SDIA, which is to facilitate and promote the work of Subud members in their efforts to contribute towards a just and sustainable development of humanity. You can choose to earmark your donation or bequest so that it is held in perpetuity as endowed funds of SDIA and only the income is distributed. The Endowment Fund is held and invested by Morgan Stanley with oversight by the Finance Committee.

Any questions? Email us at [email protected] or phone +1-450-761-0592.