Your gift supports our mission. Make a donation today – for now and the future!

Please note – all $ amounts are in US dollars

To donate using Paypal, you only need to send the funds to our email address: [email protected]
We will confirm receipt as soon as we receive your donation.

Send a Cheque or Bank Wire Transfer

You can mail a cheque in $US or $Canadian to our mailing address: 572, rue Empire, Greenfield Park, Quebec, J4V 1W2 (Canada)

You can make a wire transfer to:
Address: 572, rue Empire, Greenfield Park, Quebec, J4V 1W2 (Canada)
Beneficiary Bank: Bank of Montreal (no address required)
Routing information: //CC000121991
Bank account number: 2199 4609 382

If funds are being sent internationally in U.S. Dollars also provide the sending financial institution with Bank of Montreal’s USD correspondent bank information:
Pay through Intermediary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank (FKA Wachovia)
Fedwire ABA: 026005092
CHIPS UID: 143906

Pay through Intermediary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank (FKA Wachovia)

Fedwire ABA: 026005092


CHIPS UID: 143906

Please inform and instruct SDIA by email to [email protected] if you are sending a wire transfer. You can make a wire transfer in any currency.

Become a Dollar-a-Day Donor!

For many of us, a dollar a day isn’t much— much less than the cost of one cup of coffee in wealthier countries—but for others it means everything. According to the United Nations, more than 700 million people, or 10% of the world population, still live in extreme poverty … surviving on less than US$1.90 a day.

Become a Dollar-a-Day Donor by giving a recurring monthly donation to our general fund. (A dollar-a-day is about US$30 per month.) This will  help ensure that SDIA can help those in need on an ongoing basis. You choose the amount and currency—Euros (€), Pounds Sterling (£) or US-dollars ($) – charged to any valid credit card.  Just click on the box in the form above that says “monthly” and you are set to go! You can stop automatic transactions at any time.

Our goal is to have 1000 Dollar-a-Day Donors. The responsibility for change in the world really isn’t that of a few wealthy people, but belongs to all of us. If you feel inside that you are part of this — then please, start your donation TODAY!


SDIA uses its Endowment Fund to facilitate and promote the work of Subud members in their efforts to contribute to a just and sustainable development of humanity. You can choose to earmark your donation, or bequest so that it is held in perpetuity as endowed funds of SDIA and  only the income is distributed. The endowment fund is held and invested by Goldlake Capital with oversight by the SDIA Finance Committee.

Leave a Bequest

Leaving a gift in your will to SDIA can be a powerful expression of your values and enables you to leave a lasting legacy. Let’s build together the capacity to do good work in the world now and for future generations. A bequest of any size can have a significant impact on the long-term sustainability of the Susila Dharma Network and its positive influence in the world.

A bequest can take different forms: a percentage of your estate, the remainder of your estate after the payments to others, a stated dollar amount or assets like real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, term deposits, and insurance. You can also specify for what types of projects your funds will be used.

If leaving a legacy to Susila Dharma International is of interest to you, please contact us for more information at [email protected] (this email address needs to be created Ethan!). We recommend that you prepare a will, which allows you to control the distribution of your property.  Tax laws related to wills and bequests are unique to each country, so we advise you to speak to your accountant about what is best for you.

We will acknowledge your intention and pledge and send you our newsletter to keep you in touch with the members of the SD Network. SDIA provides charitable tax receipts to US donors. Some SD national organizations also provide tax receipts for donations for their country.

Donating in currencies other than US dollars

When you make a donation with your credit/debit card or Paypal, the dollar amount will automatically convert into your currency.  A small amount of commission may be charged by your bank. 

You can pay by cheque in US or Canadian dollars.

You can make a wire transfer in any currency.

Tax Deductible Receipts

If you declare your income in the United States, your donation to SDIA is tax deductible. Early in the year you will receive a tax receipt for the total amount donated the year before. If you declare your income in another country, you can still donate to SDIA and get a tax deductible receipt by earmarking your donation to SDIA through your SD National organisation (link to nationals page).

Email us at [email protected] if you have a question about donating to SDIA or our work.