Ongoing support

to Ukraine through SDIA’s Emergency Fund

Updated 26th Sep 2024

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, donors like you and the SD Network have helped SDIA raise over $80,000 for humanitarian relief and together we have formed a multi-country response to explore ways to maximise our support and ensure that donated funds were put to good use. 2023 saw a continuation of hostilities and many of you wanted to help. Thanks to your support, SDIA was able to continue those humanitarian activities carried out by Subud members in Ukraine in the form of a Soup Project to bring soup and other food packages to those in need.

Subud Ukraine Chairman Matvey Maslov shared a report on the project – “The project is making dried soup packets for people who have no proper conditions to cook. A Kyiv member, Milena Nichiporuk, has been volunteering every workday since the beginning of the war – for more than 2 years.”

Milena writes:

“Dear brothers and sisters in Subud,

I am sending you a warm greeting from Ukraine, from Kyiv, from the volunteer group. We sincerely thank you for your financial and spiritual support. We are making even more efforts to ensure that our country survives. The long-awaited spring came, warmed our land, and nature came to life. But the war did not stop. On the contrary, missile attacks on residential areas and social infrastructure have increased even more. The number of victims also increased. Our country still needs help from caring people and communities. With the funds received through SDIA, meat and cereals were purchased for our dry instant soup packets. Every month of the year our volunteer group produces and sends to the hospital and to the displaced:

Borscht and soups – 112,000 portions;
Porridge – 16,016 portions;
Packages of dried fruits and nuts – 2,536 portions
Energy bars – 29,588 pieces.

Our spiritual practice helps us a lot in these difficult times. The Kyiv Subud group preserves its tradition and, in addition to the weekly Latihans, gathers once a month for a kejiwaan-meeting for spiritual work: an important task for every citizen is to maintain a state of peace and tranquillity in the soul and to be in touch with Almighty God. I am sending some photos from the life of the Kyiv brothers and sisters and the volunteer group. God’s blessing to us all and God’s protection in these difficult times.

We believe in the victory of light over darkness, we believe in the victory of Humanity.

With love, Milena”

Thanks to your donations, SDIA is able to send USD $ 2,760 per month to support the efforts of Milena and her fellow volunteers, but these funds will soon run out. For those members who would like to continue to support this initiative please donate here. SDIA is not taking a partisan position, but supporting Subud members to engage to improve the lives of people around them.

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