Our Work


  • Increase the use of alternative energy for schools, clinics and communities.
  • Promote sustainable organic agriculture.
  • Promote reforestation and reduce dependence on harmful practices that damage the environment and human health.
  • Encourage alternate and renewable energy use and environmental protection measures.


  • Train caregivers in child development to support a child’s emotional and intellectual growth.
  • Develop innovative teaching methods that enable children to reach their full potential.
  • Provide access to education for children who have little chance of going to school.
  • Improve school infrastructures and provide learning materials.


  • Promote the use of community-based approaches to development.
  • Provide opportunities for adult education, rehabilitation and social integration.
  • Develop micro-savings and loan schemes.
  • Foster indigenous and community leadership.


  • Increase the use of alternative energy for schools, clinics and communities.
  • Promote sustainable organic agriculture.
  • Promote reforestation and reduce dependence on harmful practices that damage the environment and human health.
  • Encourage alternate and renewable energy use and environmental protection measures.

SD Projects

The Susila Dharma International Association is a network of SD national organizations and associate member projects from 28 countries. DIA promotes awareness of key issues such as gender equality, child rights, healthcare, sustainable livelihoods, and innovative and effective development practices through projects in four main areas: community development, education, environment and health.

The Susila Dharma International Association supports a network of more than 60 SD National organizations and SD Projects around the world. As the international office, we serve our members and other development actors by providing key services that assist projects to grow and flourish. SDIA is the voice of Susila Dharma member projects and national organizations in the world and works professionally in collaboration with our members to achieve our goals.
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SD Nationals

The Susila Dharma International Association is a network of SD national organizations and associate member projects from 28 countries. Each SD Nationals initiate local, culturally appropriate projects and support its activities by distributing funds from the association and engage local partners to help achieve each project’ goals.

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The Susila Dharma International Association supports a network of more than 60 SD National organizations and SD Projects around the world. As the international office, we serve our members and other development actors by providing key services that assist projects to grow and flourish. SDIA is the voice of Susila Dharma member projects and national organizations in the world and works professionally in collaboration with our members to achieve our goals.