SD Nationals in the Americas
In South, Central and North America, projects in 6 countries engage with disadvantaged communities from displaced people in Colombia, indigenous peoples in Ecuador and Mexico, to low income urban communities in USA. Activities range from protection of and education about the environment, to small scale income generation, to health protection and nutrition education, to care for underprivileged children and youth, to violence prevention, to arts and creativity.
SD Mexico
SD Mexico supports the Casa Cuna, a centre for children between zero and six years old from low-resource families.
SD Canada
Susila Dharma Canada is a charitable nonprofit organization, run by volunteers since its creation in 1985.
SD Colombia
The aim of Susila Dharma Colombia is to provide support for social, environmental and humanitarian projects based in Colombia.
Susila Dharma USA supports locally initiated, humanitarian programmes serving communities in the U.S. and around the world.