Health and Wellbeing

SDIA works with projects in challenging socio-economic environments to reduce illness and mortality, and improve quality of life. We help to build healthcare facilities, improve healthcare infrastructure, promote health education, and encourage community participation whenever possible.

We at SDIA believe that access to quality healthcare is a basic human right. We support initiatives that:

  • Build and operate healthcare clinics in highly underserved communities.
  • Focus on delivering healthcare services to vulnerable groups such as pregnant mothers, babies, young children and the elderly.
  • Provide access to clean water and good-quality sanitation, thereby diminishing the spread of communicable diseases.
  • Encourage community participation in the healthcare process via fee-based “health mutuals”, which help to subsidize clinics.

A Child’s Garden Of Peace

Asociacion Vivir

Atalanta Association

Borneo Football International Academy

Cederi Madimba

Dharma Care

Enthum Foundation


I Protect Me

Kingantoko Community Health Centre

Living Well, Dying Well

Mis Corazones Alegres

Mother Child Hospital Kwilu Ngongo

Nkandu III Community Health Centre

Puppeteers Without Borders

Quest Center for Integrative Health

Usaha Mulia Abadi

Wawa Illari

Wisma Mulia

Yayasan Permakultur Kalimantan

Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta

Yayasan Usaha Mulia

Yenge Health Centre

Blue Spirit

Milla 91

Please donate below and support SDIA’s global work in bringing better health to people in areas with limited health services. We need and appreciate your help, and we rely on donors like you to continue our work. If you can, please consider an ongoing monthly donation towards our health services.  Thank you!